
Nike and FRBC

Posted on Mon, 12 Feb, 2018

On Friday 9th Feb we were extremely proud to welcome both Nike and one of their athletes, John McAvoy, to FRBC.  As part of their #LDNR Nothing Beats a Londoner Campaign, Nike are running a series of sporting opportunites where young Londoners can get involved and try new sports during the February Half Term.  The activity is supported by some of Nike's biggest names including Sir Mo Farrah, Harry Kane, Dina Asher-Smith and John McAvoy to name just a few. 

As part of this activity we were able to provide a full introduction to rowing for 29 of the students from Kensington Aldridge Academy with John helping out on the day.  Not only did he put the students through their paces on the rowing machine and in a boat, he also took the time to tell his increidble story about how sport has truly saved his life.  We are incredibly grateful to both John and Nike and know that their effort will have inspired a new generation of young Londoners to get out there and be active!

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