
FRBC Staffing Update

Posted on Sat, 5 Oct, 2024

 We are pleased to announce some exciting staffing updates at FRBC!

Building on Coach Deryn’s recent Coach of the Year Award for 2024, as voted by her peers, we have recruited her to be our new Technical Lead Coach. This role will mean that she will be coaching across both Junior and Adult Squads providing valuable technical input and coaching continuity, in addition she will also provide coaching development support to our new coaches to ensure we have a high standard of delivery in all areas.

We have always been grateful to Bryan for his proactive support of FRBC and now excited to welcome him into a new more formal part-time role as Membership Secretary to help support our adult membership and onboard of new members.

In addition, we are making some important changes to our administration staffing structure and roles.

Following the amazing delivery over the last year Alastair, Julia and Justyna will now be part of a senior leadership team with myself to help improve our management structure. Their job titles will also be changing to better reflect the breadth of their roles.

Alastair who has long been more than just a Boathouse Manager, will become Chief of Operations and will retain his role as Safety Officer, Schools lead, Resourcing lead and Coach on Junior session.

Julia whilst being a fantastic fundraiser works more broadly than this and will become Chief of Community Development, to acknowledge her work across the community with our network of partners to deliver initiatives like Free Water Sports Week, Row the Rhythm (Visually Impaired Adaptive Rowing), and our Challenge Fundraising events like the Festive Fun River Run. In addition, Julia also is Welfare Officer in addition to myself.

Justyna has helped significantly with restructuring the financial management at FRBC and will become the Chief of Finance.

We want to celebrate the hard work of all these amazing members of staff, they set a very high standard of delivery we all aspire to and have been instrumental in taking FRBC to new heights.

©2025  All rights reserved.     Company Number: 8900584     Registered Charity Number: 1161813
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