
Burlington Danes Academy and Trinity College, Oxford

Posted on Fri, 9 Nov, 2018

On the 3rd November students from Burlington Danes Academy got the chance to take part in a marathon relay row from Oxford to Wallingford with both current and former students of Trinity College, Oxford.  The 26 mile adventure was run as a joint fundraising initiative between Trinity College Boat Club and Burlington Danes Academy Boat Club to help keep both clubs on the water.  The BDA boys dug in for the first 13 mile leg where they were joined in the boat by alumni from Trinity including FRBC Chairman, David FitzHerbert.

Following their stint behind the oars, the boys were then treated to a tour of life at the college given by some current undergraduates.  They were able to see what a normal day of study looks like as well as the accommodation and common areas.  Finally they were welcome to dine in the main hall before heading back to London for a well-earned rest!

The boys from BDA did themselves and their school Boat Club proud and we hope that this could be the start of a partnership between Trinity and BDA over the long-term.  Our aim is to use rowing as a vehicle to show these students what tertiary education is all about, give them the best possible preparation should they wish to go to any university and debunk some of the myths that surround Oxbridge Colleges.

If you would like to make a donation to these boys following their row the page is still open at https://alumni.trinity.ox.ac.uk/TCBC

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